
How The Light Gets In, Penny - B +

                   This is the latest, the best, and conceivably the last, in the series about Armand Gamache, of the Quebec Surete.  There are  parallel stories in each book in the series.  The first is the crime that must be solved, and here it is in the mysterious death of the last of a quintet of sisters.  Although the author states that there is no correlation between her quints and the Dionne quints, for a non-Canadian, it is a fascinating tale. Apparently, the Dionne quints were Canadian royalty and lived their lives in the public eye.  Taken for their protection by the state at the age of 4 months, the Dionne quints were made into a Canadian tourist destination, wherein up to 6,000 people per day would come to look from behind one-way mirrors at their nursery and play areas.  The second theme in the Gamache books is his behind the scenes epic battles with corruption in the upper echelons of the police. That story is resolved and concludes quite dramatically here.

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