
Fatal Pursuit, Walker - B +

                                               In the latest novel featuring Bruno Courreges, Chief of Police in fictional St. Denis, the backstory is about cars, specifically the Bugatti Type 57 Atlantic. Only four of the cars were ever manufactured at the Bugatti factory in Alsace in the 30's. The whereabouts of three are well known. Ralph Lauren owns one that has been so spectacularly restored that it is estimated to be worth $40M. A famous British race driver who was in the SOE during the war is believed to have driven the car out of occupied France into Vichy-ruled territory. The whereabouts of the car remain a mystery seventy-five years later.  Since the author is an accomplished historian, that was enough to build a modern murder mystery. Add in Bruno's varied and constructive civic responsibilities, and once again, you have a delightful book.

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