
Another Life Another Time, Persson - B-

                                             Leif Persson is considered the godfather of Nordic noir and an excellent writer. This is a book from about fifteen years ago that deals with a crime with a political backdrop. A murder in the early nineties is investigated and no suspect is found. The cold case is looked into in conjunction with Sweden's law that placed a twenty-five year statute of limitations on all crimes, even murder. It appears as if the victim was one of the four Swedes who helped the Badder-Meinhoff Gang's 1975 attack on the German Embassy in Stockholm. Three of the four suspected of assisting the terrorists are dead. Is it possible the fourth is an official  about to be appointed to the highest level of government? Is there a tie-in to the Stasi files released and sold in the early-nineties? This is an ok read, but certainly not worth the efforts of anyone who sees these comments.

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