
The Incorruptibles: A True Story Of Kingpins, Crime Busters, And The Birth Of The American Underworld, Slater - B, Inc.

                      This story begins in Manhattan in the 1890's. It is about those "who had left the largest ghetto in the world - the Pale of Settlement - and lived in what would soon become the most crowded ghetto in history, the East Side of New York." Their children learned English and became street wise practitioners  of many skills, one of the most desired of which was mathematics, especially useful  in the gambling trades. In this world, young, ambitious Arnold Rothstein began his career as a gambler and hustler who dreamed of cracking the big time. "The East Side became an incubator of delinquency" and another young man, Abe Schoenfeld, a future reformer, "watched a Jewish underworld coalesce in real time." Rothstein so impressed Big Tim Sullivan of Tammany Hall that he granted a gambling concession to Arnold in mid-town's west side Tenderloin district. Schoenfeld attracted the attention of the wealthy and famous Jewish philanthropist, Jacob Schiff.            At the almost half-way point, nothing seems to be developing. I'm certain it will, but too slow for me.


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