
The Last True Templar, Morrisson & Morrisson - B

            Willa and Sir Gerard Fox are in 14th century northern Italy planning on a pilgrimage. By happenstance, they rescue Lady Luciana Corosi from a band of robbers. Luciana is the spouse of a corrupt and lying banker, but more importantly, the only child of the last Templar. Luciana has half of her father's letter explaining where the Templar treasures are hidden. Her husband is attempting to kill her to obtain the information for himself. With Willa and Fox's help, Luciana  obtains the second letter and begins the quest to understand the riddles, find the valuables, and beat her husband to the prize. They travel from Siena to Florence to Venice to Rhodes. In a fight with Corosi, Fox and Luciana's allies prevail, but lose most of the treasure when two ships sink off the coast of Rhodes. However, the two chests of gold are recovered. In a fitting finale, Fox and Willa finally marry.  We will see them again in the third installment next year.

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