
The Stars Turned Inside Out, Jacobs - B+

                  One morning at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research the home of the massive underground Large Hadron Collider, a scientist is found inside, irradiated, and dead. Dr. Howard Anderby had only worked there for a few months before his death. Inquiries by a former member of the Swiss police and now a private investigator, Sabine Leroux, yield  only that he recently spent a year in China working on their collider project. Also, Dr. Eve Marsh, who had fallen in love with Anderby, failed to disclose it. At Anderby's memorial service, all the scientists receive an app message with a live feed of a body floating in the LHC's xenon tank 1500 feet below ground. Niels Thorne was a scientist turned PR hack, who just about everyone at the LHC despised. However, Thorne left a video with one of the post-docs who brings it to Leroux. It clarifies that both deaths were murders, not accidents. It turns out a little bit of old fashioned espionage was in play.

                This is one heck of a novel, albeit one focused intently on physics. That said, I still haven't the slightest clue what a sub-atomic crash is or a Higgs boson for that matter.

i have no idea what a sub atomic crash is

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